Saturday, January 26, 2019

1.3.4 (h): describe the principles of operation of projectors and describe how they are applied to real-life scenarios.

Two types of projectors:
-Digital Light Projectors (DLP)
-Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) projector


-DLP's use millions of micro mirrors on a chip. The number of micro mirrors and the way they are arranged determines the resolution of the image projected

-When the micro mirrors are tilted towards the light source, they are 'on'. When they are tilted away from the light source, they are 'off'

-So the micro mirrors switch 'on' or 'off' thousands of times a second to create various shades of grey. The typical number of grey shades which can be produces is 1024.

- For example: If the mirror turns on more times than it turns off, a lighter shade of grey will be produced.

-A bright white light source (from a xenon light, for example) passes through a colour filter on it's way to the DLP chip.

-The light is split into the three primary colours (RGB) 

-The on and off states of the mirrors are linked with the 3 colours to produce the coloured image.

-Over 16 million different colours can be produced.

LCD projectors

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