Sunday, December 30, 2018

1.1.2(f): identify current uses of hexadecimal numbers in computing

Memory dumps: process where contents of memory are displayed and stored if an application of system crashes

HTML: HyperTextMarkupLanguage used in development of web pages ( markup language)
HTML is also used to represent colours on the computer screen (RGB) the intensity of each of these colours is determined by a hexadecimal value (#RRGGBB)

MAC: Media Access Control address is a unique hexadecimal number which identifies a device on the internet (usually made up of 48 bits: NN-NN-NN-DD-DD-DD
NN= (organisationally unique identifier) OUI (vendor number)
DD= (Universally Administered Address) UAA (unique serial number)

So why change a UAA into a LAA?
·       Certain software needs all MAC addresses of devices to be a certain format.
·       It may be required to bypass a MAC address filter on a router of firewall.
Web addresses:
ASCII-American Standard Code for Information Interchange – these codes can be represented using decimal or hexadecimal

Assembly and machine code:
Computer memory can be referred to directly using machine code or an assembly language

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