Sunday, December 30, 2018

1.1.3(d): identify and describe methods of error detection and correction

Parity checking:
A method of error detection in data transmission from one device to another
e.g if a byte of data is transmitted, it would have a parity bit allocated to it before it was transmitted
Systems which use odd parity have an odd number of 1 bits
(adds a 1 to make amount of 1’s odd or adds 0 to keep odd)
Systems which use even parity have an even number of 1 bits
(adds a 1 to make amount of 1’s even or 0 to keep even)

Before data is transmitted, the sender and receiver both agree on what type of parity to use.
e.g: Even parity is used
Which of these bytes have been transmitted correctly?
However, the receiver doesn’t know which of the bits has been transmitted incorrectly! (odd parity is getting and odd numbers of 1's and even parity is getting an even number of 1's)
One way around this problem is sending a parity byte as well
Using this method blocks of data can be sent.
 :byte 2 is incorrect because even parity is used but the 1’s add up to and odd number
The extra parity byte checks every bit to to apply with the (even in this case) parity
What if an even number of bits have been incorrectly transmitted? Then there is no way of the receiver knowing
The limitation of parity check is that both the original and altered bytes pass the odd parity check

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